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Osteoporosis Specialist

Katy Rheumatology & Associates -  - Rheumatology

Katy Rheumatology & Associates

Rheumatology & Sports Medicine located in Katy, TX

Osteoporosis is a common type of bone disease that increases your risk of fracture. At Katy Rheumatology & Associates in Katy, Texas, Padma Chimata, MD, can help diagnose and treat osteoporosis to enhance your bone health. Begin the process today by calling or booking a visit using the easy online scheduling tool available around the clock.

Osteoporosis Q & A

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when you lose bone tissue over time. The best way to understand this condition is to think about how your bones are formed. 

Most people envision their bones as strong, solid, and rigid structures that remain unchanged unless a fracture occurs. In reality, your bones are a type of living tissue and are always changing and evolving. In fact, your entire skeleton is completely renewed every 7-10 years. 

Just as your body creates new bone tissue, older tissue is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when your bone loss outpaces the new production of bone, leaving your bones to become weaker and more brittle over time. 

Anyone can develop osteoporosis, but the condition is more common in older women who are caucasian or of Asian descent. There also seems to be a genetic component to osteoporosis. 

What are some signs and symptoms of osteoporosis?

One of the reasons osteoporosis is such a serious problem is that there are few warning signs that your bone density is decreasing. For many people, a broken bone is the first indication of osteoporosis. 

Once your bones are weakened, virtually anything can lead to a fracture. Minor stumbles and falls, or even something as simple as lifting an item or a bout of coughing, can be enough to cause a broken bone. 

What can I do to reduce my risk of developing osteoporosis?

Taking supplemental calcium is a great way to strengthen your bone health and reduce your risk of osteoporosis. You can boost your calcium intake through food sources or try a high-quality supplement. 

Getting enough vitamin D is also a good approach. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium in addition to supporting bone health in other ways. When exposed to sunlight, your body manufactures vitamin D, but many people also need to take supplements to achieve high levels. 

Weight-bearing exercise can help your bones stay healthy and strong. Balance exercises are also important and not only strengthen your body but help prevent falls. 

What are some treatments for osteoporosis?

Several medications can improve osteoporosis, but they do carry a risk of side effects. In some people, hormone replacement therapy can help by replacing hormones lost due to aging. 

Some medications work by boosting your body’s ability to produce new bone tissue. Quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and taking steps to prevent falls are also ways to reduce your risk of fracture and osteoporosis. 

When you’re ready to learn more, call Katy Rheumatology & Associates to set up a visit. Online booking is also an option, and takes very little time to complete.